In recent years, we invested heavily in Boutique Hotel Shamon. After all, we wanted to preserve the beautiful protected heritage for future generations and that in itself has a certain sustainability. In our renovation works, we always took into account to adapt the building as energy and ecological as possible. This, of course, to the extent possible within the heritage context.
But corporate sustainability goes further with us in the day-to-day running of our hotel. Here too, we try to reduce our ecological footprint and do so in as many ways as possible: local collaborations and products, waste reduction through reusable jars and water glasses and composting by our chickens, energy reduction through smart thermostats and daily monitoring, ...
About Green-Key
The Green Key is the international seal of approval for companies in the tourism and leisure industry that are serious and verifiable about environmental care on the premises. Boutique Hotel Shamon also wants to actively contribute to better environmental care with the aim of obtaining Green Key certification.
That is why we are committed to doing more for the environment than what laws and regulations require of us. Here are some more details about our vision, way of doing business and our environmental policy.